
Recaptured’s Magazine Interview

Bucket lists make for interesting reads. They give an insight into the character and personality of the person who wrote it.

A middle class Indian boy like yours truly who grew up on a staple diet of books and magazines more than cable television has a particular kind of bucket list. So far two items had been crossed off it: getting published and lighting the lamp at a government institution’s festival. The former was a happy moment, the latter an embarrassing one. But that’s a story for another time. It’s time to tell you about the third item that has been ticked off the list.

3. Interview in a major national magazine

Pool is one of India’s leading creative arts & design magazines. And owing to the fact that it has been started by Sudhir Sharma himself, it’s immensely popular in the professional design community.

They have been kind enough to feature my interview in the March 2012 issue. You can contact them for purchasing a copy, or simply read the issue online here – the interview appears on page 12 onwards in the print magazine, which corresponds to page 14 onwards online.

Please read, comment and share 🙂

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