Landscape Photography Photography Rides Travel Travel Photography Wallpapers

Lavasa: May 2013
It was a dark & stormy night. Yes it was.

Three bikes with three photographers entered Lavasa. By the time they reached they were drenched, and it was dark & foggy.

All their plans of shooting the shiny new Enfield with the colourful city of Lavasa in the backdrop were also drenched, and had to be thrown in the lake.

We had to do the best with what we had. And I think we did decently well.

And you get the wallpaper one day early because tomorrow is an international holiday 🙂

Macro Photography Nature Photography Photography

Broken Wing
A fly blessed my room with its presence after quite some time. And was patient (maybe because it was hurt?) enough to let me shoot so much. And let me get a complete DOF composite. 3 shots, merged in Photoshop

Guess what the fly is sitting on 🙂

Divinity Photo Essay Photography Portraits & People

Word of Grace: Photoessay

Word of Grace is a growing congregation of Christians in Pune – what we generally call a Church. They don’t meet in a Church building. Their Sunday get-togethers are held in a hall in Pune’s Camp area.

Anish took me there. He has been a part of Word of Grace, and wanted me to help him in making a video for the Church.

That Sunday I met all these really wonderful and warm people, who come together to share their happiness & sorrows with each other, sing & laugh with each other, and welcome anyone with open arms and a heartfelt smile.

Photography Still Photography Wallpapers

Hovering: April 2013 Wallpaper
Bought this R/C helicopter for my nephew on his birthday.

At some level, it was for the kid in me who loves toys too 🙂 And for everyone in the house who was enamoured by it.