Photography Travel

Footsteps: Gokarna Beach

Footsteps by Amit Sharma (AmitSharma) on
Footsteps by Amit Sharma

The Gokarna Beach, though not as famous as the Om Beach, makes up in the people there what it lacks in “terrain”. That day we found fishermen, riders from way up Delhi and way down south living in tents, foreign tourists reading old books, shacks that served awesome pancakes and mashed potatoes, a six-pole contraption which was decorated with rice-lights, presumably for the occasion of Diwali, and we hadn’t even covered half of the vast stretch of this beach!

D90, 11-16mm @ 14mm/2.8

Branding & Advertising What works?

Impact: Ceat Tyres ‘idiot’ ad

If you ask me to recollect an impactful tyre ad, you’ll see a confused me. As far as I can remember, I don’t remember having seen any powerful tyre ads. I might remember the Ralson ads from the 80s (for sheer frequency of appearance), the MRF man (but no ad) or a vague idea that Ceat used to have a running rhinoceros, but any powerful ad? No.

Enter the “new” Ceat. And their new advertising.

Ceat seems to be focusing its marketing efforts around the idea of grip, and the new campaign is built around that.


Short, crisp, impactful.

So what really works here?

  1. The message: Ceat tyres have better grip. Better grip means holding on to the road. Which means powerful braking. Which translates to safety.
  2. Empathy: If you drive or ride anywhere in India, you of course are fed up of that set of people called ‘everyone else on the road’. People who don’t care for traffic rules. Who cross roads in peak traffic at any spot other than a zebra crossing. Who talk on the phone while walking on the road, while riding a bike, while driving a car. Who would come in your way out of nowhere while you are trying to rush to office or rushing home from a party late at night. Ceat has called this set of people ‘idiots’. And we all agree, don’t we? These people would put everyone’s life in danger with some stupid action of theirs, then look at you indignantly as if it’s all your fault! You, the good law-abiding driver, are left flummoxed at the sudden turn of events, and just swear at him under your breath.
    Doesn’t this happen a little too often? Which is why Ceat proclaims – The Roads are filled with Idiots. And we all nod in agreement. Which is why you need to get your tyres from the tyre company which already knows this universal truth that you feel so deep inside. Classic convincing!
  3. The scripting & execution: both the TVCs that have aired so far (family coming back from the movies cut off by a speeding SUV, office executive suddenly has to brake for a man with a pram) start on a relaxed, slice of life note, with dialogue which makes you wonder what it’s an ad for, and the blow is delivered when you least expect it. The protagonists are shown to be shocked. The background music aids in the impact. And the line is delivered. Crisp, impactful, winning.

Oh, and Ceat has not stopped at just making TVCs. They also have an online campaign which is tied in to their bike tyre portal And they are doing some really innovative magazine advertising – the last of which I saw in the xBHP magazine’s 2nd issue. Go give it a look.

Hindi Literature

वागर्थ मिल गया!

हिन्दी साहित्य पढ़ते हैं? हां? कमाल है! कम लोग बचे हैं ऐसे. अरे मज़ाक कर रहा हूं!

ऐसा नहीं है. काफी हिन्दी साहित्य प्रेमी हैं आज भी, और इंटरनेट पर तो बहुत हैं. इतने सारे हिन्दी के ब्लॉग भी हैं.

पर एक कमी खलती रहती है – एक अच्छे हिन्दी मासिक की. धर्मयुग और पराग तो जाने कहां इतिहास में खो गये. एक कादंबिनी भी किसी स्टैंड में मिले, किसी में नहीं. लाइफस्टाइल मैगज़ीन और महिलाओं की हिन्दी पत्रिकाएं कहीं ज़्यादा बिकती हैं, बेशक.

जब कलकत्ते में था, कलकत्ता पुस्तक मेले का खास मुरीद था, और जिस ज़माने में ब्लाग का आविष्कार नहीं हुआ था, और यूनिकोड के प्रचलन से कहीं पहले जब मैं खास फॉण्ट की मदद से एक हिन्दी साहित्य की वेबसाइट चलाता था, उस ज़माने में भारतीय भाषा परिषद से परिचय हुआ. और यह पता चला कि आज भी हिन्दी साहित्य की दुनिया में कलकत्ता की महत्ता हैं, बेशक उतनी न हो जितनी ‘निराला’ और ‘मस्ताना’ के काल में थी. परिषद की मासिक पत्रिका वागर्थ से भी मैं तभी परिचित हुआ.

साहित्य, कला, और तकनीकी गुणवत्ता, सभी में वागर्थ अपने समकालीन हिन्दी मासिकों से कहीं आगे लगा मुझे. उस दिन से जनाब वागर्थ के फैन हुए. अपने घर में भी दो सब्स्क्रिप्शन्स लगवा दिए. और फिर कलकत्ते से रफू-चक्कर हो गये.

कभी-कभार कलकत्ते का चक्कर लगाते हुए किसी चाचा के घर जाना हुआ तो Reader’s Digest के साथ वागर्थ भी पढ़ता.

आज पता नहीं कैसे कुछ हिन्दी ब्लॉग पढ़ते हुए वागर्थ की याद आ गई, तो मन में सवाल उठा – कहीं वह भी तो और अच्छी हिन्दी पत्रिकाओं की तरह डब्बे में… गूगल देव से विनती की, और पाया कि vagarth लिखो तो पहला उत्तर भारतीय भाषा परिषद के साइट का लिंक ही आता है. क्लिक किया और पाया कि वागर्थ न केवल ज़िन्दा है, बल्कि हर माह बाकायदा प्रकाशित भी हो रहा है!

और सबसे आश्चर्य की बात यह थी, कि पूरे के पूरे संस्करण PDF रूप में मुफ्त उपलब्ध हैं. सन् 2010 के ही सही.

मैं तो अब इस साइट पर ही व्यस्त रहने वाला हूं. आपका क्या ख़याल है?

Pune Food

Roll baby roll

image If you like rolls and wraps, or Mughlai food, and are not in a mood to sit in a fancy place with waiters serving you, Kapila Kathi Kabab is the place to go to. It’s next to Kapila Executive on Dhole-Patil Road, and serves amazing Mughlai rolls.

Do give it a try!



If you are on Twitter, and you are not aware of the handle called @kweezzz, it’s time to come out from under your Twitter-rock.

It is the coolest and most engaging thing on Twitter. The tagline is “Quizzing in 140 characters”. That is enough to explain I guess.

Now why am I talking about Kweezzz here? Because it is a prime example of how a classic activity like quizzing takes on to such a new trend on the internet – microblogging.

Oh, and I have taken the podium in two kweezzzes recently! There had to be some narcissism involved right? I was second in this Andaz Apna Apna quiz, and tonight I stood first in the Kabhi Haan Kabhi Naa quiz. Will post the link to the latter as soon as it is put up.

Photography Travel

I Dream of Gokarna

I dream of Gokarna, originally uploaded by recaptured.

Another Explore on Flickr! This is the 68th.

Photography Travel

Flickr Love: Peace

Peace, originally uploaded by recaptured.

This picture of a tourist meditating on the Om Beach at Gokarna has registered more than 500 views on Flickr since last evening, when I uploaded it.

The last picture that got such activity was the photograph of Aditi picking hermit crabs on the beach at Dahanu.

Why don’t you show it some love at 500px and on the NatGeo Magazine site?


What is the Best really?

Best, is the superlative form of the adjective good. So the result of this learning is that good is not good enough, because there is something better than it. That brings us to better.

Better, is the comparative form of the same adjective good. But then good is not good enough.

So instead of ‘just being’ good you get better. You can get better, or can be considered better. In the former case it’s compared to yourself, but in the latter case, you are better compared to someone else. Is there something better than better? Well, there’s best.

But in the case of becoming the best, you cannot do without being compared. You are not the best in isolation. You are best amongst a set of people.

In mathematical terms, better > good. But best just isn’t > better. It means no one > best.

So it’s an approach that’s totally dependent on others. To be best you have to look at others. You can’t be best just by yourself, can you? The best in a small locality, might not even be considered good when considering the whole city.

And, when you say something is the best, does it mean it cannot get better? If it can get better, it is not the best possible yet, so why the smugness?

Isn’t it better (pardon the irony) to be good, really really good, instead of looking around you and saying “Hey I am better than all these guys!”?

Photography Wallpapers

December ’10: The run up to Christmas

The run up to Christmas, originally uploaded by recaptured.
Wallpaper 1280×800px
Wallpaper 1650×1080px
Wallpaper 1920×1200px
Wallpaper 2560×1440px

Drushtikon 2010: Round-up

Drushtikon 2010 is over, with 7000+ visitors in two and a half days, 25 sales and much appreciation from visitors, which comprised of general public, art & photography students and professionals – including the illustrious Mr. Avinash Gowariker.

I managed to sell one frame, and got appreciation for my photographs from various people.

It is an amazing feeling when total strangers ask around about you to meet you and tell you that your photography is amazing and inspiring. And when professionals and photography students do that, it’s something out of this world 🙂

I am a happy photographer right now 😀

The following pictures of mine were on display at Drushtikon. ‘God on a Leaf’ is already sold out, but if you’re interested in procuring prints of the other 3, please drop in a comment here.

lone rider

God on a leaf

Welcome sir!

are you scared of me yet?